4-1副甲状腺 (1) シナカルセトの役割―不応例への対処と次世代薬への期待
Role of cinacalcet into resistant cases and expectations for next-generation of calcium-sensing receptor modulators
田原 英樹 Hideki Tahara
4-2副甲状腺 (2) PTxの適応例─どんな症例でPTxが必要なのか
Surgical indications for advanced secondary hyperparathyroidism refractory to medical treatment
冨永 芳博 Yoshihiro Tominaga
4-3副甲状腺 (3) 低回転骨をどう予防したら患者予後の改善につながるのか
Preventing low-turnover bone disease in chronic kidney disease patients and improving their clinical outcomes