臨牀透析 Vol.31 No.6(1-1)

特集名 骨関節障害・CKD-MBDの概念を再考する
題名 CKD-MBD (1) 食餌中のリンとその吸収
発刊年月 2015年 06月
著者 石田 淳子 金城学院大学生活環境学部食環境栄養学科
著者 加藤 明彦 浜松医科大学付属病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 リンは食品中のたんぱく質や食品添加物に含まれる.食品中のリンは,大部分が有機リンである.しかし,動物性たんぱく質は容易に加水分解されて消化管から吸収されるのに対し,植物性たんぱく質は分解されにくいため,動物性と植物性たんぱく質で有機リンの吸収率が異なる.また,リン酸塩は加工食品の添加物として広く用いられているが,ほとんどが無機リンなため,容易に消化管から吸収される(吸収率90%以上).したがって,加工食品の摂取が多い場合は,過度のリン摂取になりうることに注意する.一方で,リンは食材自体からの摂取が圧倒的に多いが,単純にたんぱく質摂取量を控えることは危険である.このため,個々の食生活を踏まえ,透析患者のリン制限を指導することが重要である.
Theme Testify the concepts of renal osteodystrophy and chronic kidney disease-bone and mineral disorder (CKD-MBD)
Title Dietary phosphorous intake and adsorption
Author Junko Ishida Department of Food and Nutritional Environment, College of Human Life and Environment, Kinjo Gakuin University
Author Akihiko Kato Blood purification Unit, Hamamatsu University Hospital, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Dietary phosphorous is contained in foods high in protein, as well as additives. Phosphorous in food based protein primarily consists of organic phosphorous. However, absorptive rates for organic phosphrous differ between animal and vegetable souces differ. Animal proteins are readily hydrolyzed and absorbed in the digestive tract, while vegetable proteins are not easily broken down in the gut. Phosphates are widely used as additives in processed foods, which frequently contain inorganic phosphorus. Inorganic phosphorous is absorbed almost completely (more than 90 % of the phosphorous people consume). As a result, it is necessary to pay attention to possible excess phosphorous intakes if dialysis patients intake too much processed food. This is especially true for dialysis patients. On the other hand, dietary phosphorus is principally derived from food based ingredients, but there are potential risks associated with simple restriction of dietary protein intake. Therefore, it is important to give instructions of phosphorus restriction to dialysis patients depending on their eating habits and nutrition.