2-1症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (1) 糖尿病性腎症
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients with diabetic nephropathy
田村 智子 Satoko Tamura
2-2症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (2) 血圧・体液管理困難な高齢者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients having difficulty in blood pressure and body fluid management
安原 みずほ Mizuho Yasuhara
2-3症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (3) 腹部膨満(とくにADPKD)で食欲不振者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients with anorexia due to abdominal distension
伊藤 洋平 Yohei Ito
2-4症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (4) ステロイド服用患者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients on steroid therapy
中村 明彦 Akihiko Nakamura
2-5症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (5) 麻痺があり嚥下障害のある患者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients with dysphagia and paralysis
朝倉 洋平 Yohei Asakura
2-6症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (6) 動脈硬化が強く心筋梗塞の既往のある患者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients with a history of myocardial infarction coexist with arteriosclerosis
石井 宏明 Hiroaki Ishii
2-7症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (7) 肝硬変による腎不全
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients with renal failure due to cirrhosis
篠﨑 恵里 Eri Shinozaki
2-8症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (8) クローン病を合併している患者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease)
丈達 知子 Tomoko Jotatsu
2-9症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (9) 膵炎を合併している患者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients with pancreatitis
広畑 順子 Junko Hirohata
2-10症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (10) 胃癌術後(胃全摘)
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Postoperative patients, total gastrectomy
山根 梢 Kozue Yamane
2-11症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (11) 経腸栄養の患者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Patients receiving enteral feeding
小西 篤子 Atsuko Konishi
2-12症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (12) 妊娠期の患者
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Dialysis pregnant women
島田 千賀子 Chikako Shimada
2-13症状に応じた食事・栄養療法の工夫 (13) 低頻度透析
Ingenuity of dietary and nutrition therapy depending on symptoms in hemodialysis patients -- Infrequent hemodialysis patients
金澤 良枝 Yoshie Kanazawa
How to use of home-delivered meals and convenience store foods for dialysis patients