Kidney and Metabolic Bone Diseases Vol.31 No.1(7)

Theme Genome medicine and novel therapeutic targets of kidney diseases
Title AIM (apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage) as a therapeutical target for acute kidney injury
Publish Date 2018/01
Author Kento Kitada Department of Pharmacology, Kagawa University
[ Summary ] Apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage (AIM) is a circulating protein which is produced by macrophages in tissues. We recently reported that AIM may induce the clearance of intraluminal cell debris after acute kidney injury (AKI). The removal of dead cells is one important factor for ameliorating renal tissue injury and renal dysfunction. The insufficient clearance of intraluminal cell debris may promote inflammation and fibrosis in injured renal tissue and contribute to the progression of kidney injury. Our findings suggest that AIM is a potentially novel therapeutic target for AKI. In addition, blood free AIM and/or urine AIM excretion may lead to new biomarkers at the onset and overall course of AKI.