Kidney and Metabolic Bone Diseases Vol.29 No.1(1)

Theme Cell biology of tooth
Title Signaling networks regulating tooth development
Publish Date 2016/01
Author Hayato Ohshima Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Hard Tissue, Department of Tissue Regeneration and Reconstruction, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
[ Summary ] Tooth development is characterized by epithelial-mesenchymal interactions between the oral ectoderm and neural crest-derived mesenchyme (ectomesenchyme). Spatiotemporally regulated paracrine signal molecules of several families, referred to as "developmental genetic toolkits", for example, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), sonic hedgehog (SHH), the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family, and Wnts, play crucial roles in mediating these tissue interactions. For developmental events including limb, kidney, or tooth development, a complex and intricate cascade of gene expression directs the cells to the right location and the proper differentiation pathway. This review focusses on the most important signaling networks regulating tooth development, based on the recent advances in tooth developmental biology.