Kidney and Metabolic Bone Diseases Vol.15 No.4(7)

Theme Topics in calcium and phosphate transport
Title Growth-related phosphate transporter
Publish Date 2002/10
Author Hiroko Segawa Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, Tokushima University
Author Mikiko Ito Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, Tokushima University
Author Masashi Kuwahata Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, Tokushima University
[ Summary ] Growth is critically dependent on the retention of a variety of nutrients. The kidney contributes to a positive Pi balance for organisms during growth. In the kidney, phosphate is not only an important bone constituent, play an important role in energy metabolism in cells, membrane phospholipids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, and protein phosphorylation processes. Renal Na/Pi cotransport systems are localized at the apical membrane of the proximal tubular cells. Recently, we isolated cDNA from human, mouse and rat kidnies that encodes a growth-related Na/Pi cotransporter (type IIc). In the present study, we described the function and regulation of the type IIc Na/Pi cotransporter in the kidney.