The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.35 No.8(7)

Theme Available clinical guidelines for patients on dialysis
Title Stroke
Publish Date 2019/07
Author Masafumi Toriyabe Department of Neurology, Shinrakuen Hospital
Author Mitsuteru Shimohata Department of Neurology, Shinrakuen Hospital
Author Yumiko Watanabe Department of Rehabilitation, Shinrakuen Hospital
Author Hajime Tanaka Department of Neurology, Shinrakuen Hospital
[ Summary ] The stroke management guidelines pubulished by the Japan Stroke Society in 2015 and the addendum published in 2017 describe stroke management in patients undergoing dialysis. These guidelines emphasize the importance of lifestyle management, as well as management of diabetes and hypertension and also suggest using anticoagulants in case of non-valvar atrial fibrillation in patients with chronic kidney disease. Stroke treatment in patients undergoing dialysis should be based on a combination of current guidelines and new knowledge in this field, considering specific conditions such as end-stage renal failure and dialysis.