The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.34 No.5(7)

Theme Practical approach to improve physical and cognitive function of patients on chronic dialysis: Points of satisfaction for patients and their families
Title Effect of exercise rehabilitation in patients undergoing dialysis
Publish Date 2018/05
Author Seiko Yamakoshi Department of Rehabilitation, Nikko Medical Center, Dokkyo Medical University
Author Osamu Ito Division of General Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University
[ Summary ] Patients undergoing dialysis usually present with sarcopenia and reduced levels of exercise tolerance and physical activity, which are associated with poor prognosis. Exercise is useful in patients undergoing dialysis to improve muscular strength and physical function, as well as to help increase physical activity. It is also an expected treatment plan as an interventional measure to maintain renal function. No conclusive evidence is available regarding an optimal exercise method, the muscle strength, and the timing of exercise desired for patients undergoing dialysis. Presently, these parameters are based on the exercise program utilized in patients with heart failure and hypertension. In the future, studies regarding the optimal exercise intensity and duration in patients undergoing dialysis would be advanced, and it is necessary to prepare an early recommended exercise protocol.