The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.34 No.5(1)

Theme Practical approach to improve physical and cognitive function of patients on chronic dialysis: Points of satisfaction for patients and their families
Title Marketing is a science of creating satisfaction; it can be applied widely to non-profit organizations including medical services
Publish Date 2018/05
Author Yoshiyuki Sodekawa Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto Gakuen University
[ Summary ] In its early stages, marketing was considered a science of efficiency. However, in the early 90s it was transformed into a science and art of ensuring customer satisfaction. The Brand Equity theory pushed this definition further by emphasizing the importance of building relationships with customers rather than pursuing short-term sales or net profits.Companies must ensure that they provide customer satisfaction in order to acquire loyalty from them, thus generating Consumer Lifetime Values (CLV). Moreover, customers with high loyalty widely recommend their favorite brands to others.
In recent times, companies have departed from their conventional view of managing consumer / customer relationships. Their relationships with their customers now assume the form of ties with families or intimate friends rather than being treated as targets to be manipulated. Companies now offer "Customers Journey," which is a planning method aimed at producing customer satisfaction throughout the process of buying this is now one of the new frontiers of marketing.
One of the key principles to improve patient satisfaction in medical institutions is to change the assumption of the relationship between institutions and patients.