The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.31 No.3(1-2)

Theme Physical assessment of the dialysis patient -- nurse with the ability for observation
Title Physical assessment by the dialysis nurses
Publish Date 2015/03
Author Hisamitsu Sato Department of Nursing, Masuko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] "Nursing begins with observation and ends with observation". The observational skills of the nurse are very important in patients with chronic kidney disease. The ability to assess and the power of observation are linked. With an increase in the power of observation, the ability to make assessment from an observation increases. In the chronic kidney disease patient, nurses must observe changes over time, dialysis efficiency, presence or absence of complications, initiate action with the internal medicine team, and side effects. A nurse caring for a chronic kidney disease patient needs to practice the "technique of physical assessment". Therefore, I have realized that standardization of nursing care and application of such standards to each nurse's nature is important.