The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.28 No.3(4-2)

Theme The Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake and Dialysis Therapy
Title Post-disaster dialysis care for refugees in Hokkaido
Publish Date 2012/03
Author Shuhei Tozawa Clinic 198 Sapporo
[ Summary ] Eighty dialysis patients of Kesennuma City Hospital, who became victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, were transported to Tohoku University Hospital where they received short (two hour) dialysis treatments. They were transferred again from the Matsushima Air Self-Defense Force Base to the Chitose Base by Self-Defense Force aircraft, which took two days.
After that, we transported the patients from the Chitose Base to 24 medical institutions in Chitose, Eniwa and Sapporo.
In this report we describe how we evacuated the patients, and how it was possible to transport a large number of dialysis patients over long distances in a short time, using aircraft.