The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.28 No.10(2-3)

Theme Outcomes of CKD Campaign and Future Treatments Concerning CKD and Dialysis
Title CKD-Japan Cohort study
Publish Date 2012/09
Author Enyu Imai Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The "Chronic Kidney Disease Japan Cohort" (CKD-JAC) study was a prospective obser vational study. 3,087 CKD patients were enrolled with GFR 10-60 mL/min/1.73 m2 from April 2007 to December 2008. The causes of CKD were glomerulonephritis (GN, n=948) and diabetes (n=1,120). Subjects were diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy (n=613), and non-diabetic, non-GN (n=909). The baseline mean eGFR (SD) was 28.6 (11.8) mL/min/1.73 m2 and the mean (SD) albuminuria rate was 976 (1,340) mg/gCr. More than 90 % of participants had hypertension but it was well controlled to 131/76 mmHg. Angiotensin receptor blockers were used for more than 70 % of the patients. Cardiovascular cormorbidity was attributed to ischemic heart disease (15 %), stroke (11.5 %), heart failure (3.9 %) and arteriosclerosis obliterans (3.6 %). The incidence of arteriosclerosis seems to be high in advanced CKD patients and diabetic patients because the pulse wave velocity (PWV) as well as pulse pressure is high. The mean Hb (SD) level was 12.06 (1.84) g/dL and the mean ferritin level was 137.5 (137.2) ng/dL. 946 out of 2,930 subjects were anemic, defined as having levels under 11 g/dL. ECGS and echocardiography were recorded and patients' 24 hour ASBPM levels were measured in approximately 1,000 CKD patients. Longitudinal analysis of cohort studies will provide important information concerning risk factors for ESRD and CVD.