The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.27 No.1(9)

Theme Diversified Frontier of Dialysis Therapy -- We Can Change
Title Delayed authorization of on-line HDF
Publish Date 2011/01
Author Noritomo Itami Kidney Center, Nikko Memorial Hospital
Author Susumu Uemura Department of Clinical Engineering, Nikko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] Use of HDF/HF equipment was approved in Japan this year. This was due to insurance amendments and approval of reimbursements to maintain water quality in dialysis fluids. Those changes make it easier to use HDF, which can remove uremic toxins up to middle molecular levels. Thirty years have passed since the effectiveness of on-line HDF was reported. However, in Japan, implementation rates are under 10 %.
With these changes, there may be problems with meeting the dialysis fluid water quality standards which up to now have met international standards. Conditions are present for a large scale multi-center project to determine whether or not on-line HDF will provide better survival prognoses, in terms of blood pressure management and effectiveness in treating nutritional disorders and other conditions than high flux membrane hemodialysis used in numerous facilities today. In light of the advances being made in this field the future of HDF research looks promising.