The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.24 No.9(2-2)

Theme New Insights into Uremic Conditions and Their Therapeutic Targets
Title Cardio-renal anemia syndrome
Publish Date 2008/08
Author Nobuhiko Joki Department of Nephrology, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
Author Hiroki Hase Department of Nephrology, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
[ Summary ] Published clinical and laboratory data suggest that anemia, congestive heart failure (CHF) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are interrelated. Those conditions interact, producing a “vicious cycle” of disease which has been termed by Silverberg as “Cardio-Renal Anaemia Syndrome”. In this syndrome there may be either a cause or effect relationship between CKD and anaemia. The same holds true for CHF. There may also be a causative relationship between CHF and CKD. Numerous publications have borne out the fact that anaemia correction provides wide ranging benefits to CKD patients.
Additionally, there is evidence to suggest that these benefits may be extended to patients with cardiac disease. Uncontrolled and controlled studies of the effect of subcutaneous epoetin treatment in anemic patients with both CHF and CKD show significant improvements in both cardiac and renal functions.