The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.24 No.13(2-2)

Theme Overview on Wide-spreading Dietary Supplements for the Appropriate Use in Dialysis Patients
Title [Overview] Applications for and limitations of dietary supplements for patients with chronic renal failure
Publish Date 2008/12
Author Akihiko Kato Division of Blood Purification, HamamatsuUniversity School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Patients with chronic renal failure, due to dietary restriction, are likely to suffer from deficiencies of water-soluble vitamins and minerals such as zinc and iron. Water-soluble vitamins are also transfered remove from the blood into the dialysate during hemodialysis (HD) sessions. The European Best Practice Guideline (EBPG) on Nutrition recommends that water-soluble vitamins should be supplied to HD patients. Oral supplementation of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid decrease plasma homocysteine levels in HD patients. However, in patients with renal failure, there is no evidence to prove we can prevent total mortality or cardiovascular events through oral administration of water-soluble vitamins. Since herbs containing aristolochic acid are reported in Japan to cause irreversible renal failure. It is necessary to pay attention to nutritional factors when dietary supplements are taken.