The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.23 No.9(3)

Theme The Status Quo and the View of Home Hemodialysis
Title Suitable puncture method for home hemodialysis
Publish Date 2007/08
Author Takahiro Shinzato Daiko Medical Engineering Research Institute
Author Shigeki Toma Toma Medical Clinic
[ Summary ] In order to perform a buttonhole puncture, a fixed puncture route must be created. Thereafter, a blood access puncture is done during every HD session by inserting a dull puncture needle through the fixed puncture route.
Prior to this, the access vessel is punctured by the same experienced medical staff, using sharp needles, until a fixed puncture route is established. In the new method, after the usual HD, a thumbtack-shaped stick is inserted toward the access vessel along the same path as the puncture needle which had been just removed. This is left in place for 2 weeks. Then, the stick-indwelling is replaced by a new one at every HD session. Buttonhole punctures may prolong the life of access vessels.