The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.21 No.9(6)

Theme The Various Uremic Symptomes and their Causative Substances
Title Pulmonary complications with urmeic patients
Publish Date 2005/08
Author Tetsuo Tagami Kidney Center, Toranomon Hospital
Author Yoshifumi Ubara Kidney Center, Toranomon Hospital
[ Summary ] With patients having uremic lung conditions, plain chest radiographs reveal lung edema characterized by butterfly shadows. This is because moisture and natrium leak from pulmonary capillaries through endothelial cell crevices. This is caused by decreased colloid oncotic pressure from the degradation of serum proteins. Increases in cardiac output with renal anemia, and the hyperpermeability of pulmonary capillaries becaus of increased intraalveolar protein levels, related to uremia, are also suggested as causitive factors. Uremic pleurisy is characterized by pleural effusion pools. However, pleural vascular permeability enhancement with deposition of ureimc toxins it is assumed. Pulmonary calcification is due to ectopic calcification from insufficient control of Ca and P in patients on long-term dialysis. Care to avoid tuberculosis is necessary for patients with chronic renal failure.