The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.21 No.9(13)

Theme The Various Uremic Symptomes and their Causative Substances
Title Oral complications
Publish Date 2005/08
Author Tetsuo Suzuki Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Author Teruo Amagasa Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
[ Summary ] Long term hemodyalysis patients frequently have oral complications such as dry mouth, taste disturbances and jaw bone disease. These complications worsen over-all oral conditions. Dental caries, periodontitis and halitosis are likely to occur, at that time and patients may suffer from further oral complications.
Uremic factors responsibie for these complications are as yet unknown, however, proffesional oral health care is helpful in improving treatment of oral complications. Cooperation between the dental and dialysis staffs is recommended in order to support patients' quality of life.