The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.21 No.10(8)

Theme A Total Care of Renal Failure from the Onset in Children
Title Support for psychosocial recovery of pediatric and end stage renal disease patients
Publish Date 2005/09
Author Kayo Cho The Jikei Universify School of Nursing
[ Summary ] In recent years, interest is been directed to the psychosocial aspects of children living with end stage renal failure from infancy and their quality of life during growth. In this report, three important points and means of support were described based on a study that interviewed 25 post-renal transplant patients (10 females, 15 males). Patients, who had renal disease in childhood and then received renal transplants, were in good condition at the time of the interview. The things that were important so that child patients with renal failure could receive adequate rehabilitation were recognizing the importance of living as normal a life as possible, thinking about each child carefully concerning problems with punishment in school and the importance of career choices.