The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.21 No.1(8-5)

Theme Dialysis in Diabetic Patients
Title Gangrenous ischemic colitis
Publish Date 2005/01
Author Osamu Sato Department of Surgery, Shinraku-en Hospital
Author Tetsuya Moroda Department of Surgery, Shinraku-en Hospital
Author Shigeru Miyazaki Kidney Center, Shinraku-en Hospital
[ Summary ] A retrospective study was made of six patients who had gangrenous ischemic colitis from Jan 1999 to Dec 2003. Five patients were operated. 3 cases with patients in shock before operations died, 2 cases with patients not in shock were successfully treated. The high mortality rate reflects the difficulties encountered in management of these patients. The authors are convinced that the only way to reduce the mortality rate for gangrenous ischaemic colitis is to perform an operation before the onsent of circulatory shock. It also emphasizes that a decrease in the patient's level of consciousness precedes circulatory shock.