The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.20 No.5(6)

Theme Biocompatibility on Materials for Dialysis Equipments and Devices
Title Evaluation of hemodialysis membranes with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Publish Date 2004/05
Author Yoshio Suzuki Faculty of Home Economics, Otsuma Women's University
Author Etsuko Fujimoto Otsuma Women's Junior Colledge
Author Takashi Nagaoka Sagamihara Clinic
Author Akira Yamada Kyorin University, School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The infrared absorption spectra of several kinds of HD membranes, before and after HD treatment, were obtained by Fourier transform infrared (ETIR) spectroscopy, fitted with an attenuated total reflection (ATR) attachment, in order to analyze the external membrane surfaces.
For cases where cuproammonium rayon membranes and modified cellulose membranes such as DEAE and Vit.E-coated cellulose membranes were used, two new bands assigned to the C=O streching vibration mode (amideI band) and the N-H deforming vibration mode (amideII band) were observed after use, indicating chemical adsorption of proteins on the membrane surfaces. For PEG-coated modified cellulose membranes, there was no change in the spectrum after use. For cellulose triacetate membranes, the C=O streching vibration band, assigned to acetyl groups of the membranes, shifted to a lower wave number after use, indicating chemical adsorption of proteins on the acetyl groups of the membrane. The FTIR-ATR method is one method for analyzing external membrane surfaces.