The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.16 No.4(7-1)

Theme Aspire to Be Expert Nurse in Dialysis Nursing
Title What is the expert nurse in dialysis therapy?
Publish Date 2000/03
Author Toshiko Uchida Department of Nursing,Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Many complicated problems are arising in the field of dialysis therapy, due to an increasing number of patients with diabetes mellitus, who are aged and under longterm dialysis treatment. In such a situation, expert nurses are expected to play an important role as key people.
Expert nurses must develop deep knowledge of dialysis therapy, in order to achive a high degree of skill, in recognising patient's self-controll abilities.
However, it seems that the system for developing expert nurses in the field of dialysis therapy is undeveloped in Japan.
It is hoped that many more will be developed through our efforts to demonstrate the necessity of expert nurses inside and/or outside of hospitals.