The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.16 No.1(3-12)

Theme The Choice of Blood Purification for the Patients with Renal Failure
Title Strategies for blood purification in maintenance hemodialysis patients, with various infections
Publish Date 2000/01
Author Hisanori Washimine The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University, School of Medicine
Author Masanobu Miyazaki The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University, School of Medicine
Author Yoshiyuki Ozono The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University, School of Medicine
Author Shigeru Kohno The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University, School of Medicine
Author Takashi Harada Renal Care Unit, Nagasaki University, School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Those patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis may readily be susceptible to various infections and often need treatment for such infections, because they are immunocompromised, due to immune deficiencies.
Recently, special renal replacement therapies such as HDF, CHDF, HF and endotoxin removal therapy have been used for hemodialysis patients with severe infections.
However, most hemodialysis institutions have major problems with nosocomial infections, such as TB, MRSA, hepatic virues and HV. Therefore, preventative measures for other hemodialysis patients, against these infections, are most important in management of blood purification for maintenance hemodialysis patients with such infections.