The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis Vol.15 No.11(6-2)

Theme Integration of Nursing Task on the Times of High Technology
Title Efficacy of CRIT-LINETM Monitors for evaluating circulating blood volume and dialysis nursing
Publish Date 1999/10
Author Yuko Itou Department of Nursing, Kidney Center, Tokai University Hospital
Author Shinichi Tanaka Department of Clinical Engineering, Kidney Center, Tokai University Hospital
[ Summary ] CRIT-LINETM Monitors (CLM) indicate circulation states during hemodialysis therapy. Using CLM, adequate ultrafiltration rates (UFR) and limitation of blood volume reduction were possible before the onset of hypotention. Furthermore, automatic UFR control is also possible by connecting the CLM and the UFR controller. Using these systems, the patient is free of hypotension related events, and nursing care for the patient may shift away from hypotention to a more human relationship with the patient. CLM reveals relationships between overhydration, UFR limits and dialysis time. This monitoring is also useful to enable patients to understand conditions for self-care.