INTESTINE Vol.6 No.2(2)

Theme To prevent from complication in colonoscopy
Title Informed consent
Publish Date 2002/03
Author Fumiaki Ueno Department of Medicine, Ofuna Chuo Hospital
[ Summary ] Informed consent is not a mere legal requirement, but is based on ethical concepts to preserve the patient's self-determination and autonomy. It is comprised of two elements; i.e., information provided by medical professionals and that determined by patients.
Practically, the nature of the procedure, the reason for the proposal, the risk of the procedure, and alternatives should be disclosed to the patient before performing the procedure. Disclosure should include any necessary management before or after the procedure, such as preparation, premedication, and recovery.
Written consent is not legally required, but each institute may design specific forms stating the nature of and data on the particular procedure which could assist in understanding and self-determination by patients.
Signing a document is not an important feature of informed consent. Good practice of informed consent is essential in establishing sound relationships between doctors and patients, and it may contribute to minimizing complications with the procedure.