INTESTINE Vol.4 No.1(2-1)

Theme The colonoscopic insertion technique by one man method
Title Insertion technique and clinical evaluation of new colonovideoscope (CF-240AI) with small caliber, flexible adjustable shaft
Publish Date 2000/01
Author Ichiro Hirata The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
[ Summary ] We studied an efficient insertion technique for the new colonovideoscope (CF-240AI : Olympus Co.) with a small caliber and variable stiffness and gave a clinical evaluation of it. When the scope was inserted, moving from the rectum to the splenic flexure, the CF-240AI gave us the ability to select suitable insertion methods, including the pushing technique or the shortening tecnique, according to the colonoscopist's skill, by adjusting the shaft's flexibility. When the scope was inserted through the transvers colon to the cecum, the CF-240AI prevented re-loop formation of the sigmoid colon, when we adjusted its shaft to the most stiff setting and experienced easy insertion. Moreover, the CF-240AI produced safe and more painless insertion in cases with adhesions of the sigmoid colon by adiusting its shaft to the most flexible setting. The accomplishing rate was higher and the time necessary to insert into the cecum was significantly shorter, using the CF-240AI, compared to the use of an ordinary colonovideoscope (CF-2401 : Olympus Co.) On the basis of the above facts, the CF-240AI was thought to be a more useful and improved colonoscope than previous models.