INTESTINE Vol.3 No.4(2-2)

Theme Submucosal invated cancer derived from the IIc region
Title The relationship between the histological grade of atypia and morphological types (PG and NPG type) of carcinoma
Publish Date 1999/07
Author Shigeharu Kato Department of Internal Medicine, National Cancer Center Hospital East
[ Summary ] We studied the relationship between the histological grade of atypia and morphological types (PG and NPG type) of carcinoma. A total of 1,174 early colorectal carcinoma (m-ca 1,051, sm-ca 123) was resected in our institute from July 1992 to March 1999. Histologically those 1,174 lesions were classified into three groups : low grade, high grade and mixed type (low grade and high grade), and morphologically classified into two groups : PG(polypoid growth type) and NPG (non-polypoid growth type). Our result showed that almost all cases of intra-mucosal carcinoma were of a histologically low grade, and no relationship to morphological types. However in submucosal cancers, there were different characteristics seen in PG and NPG. In PG type, high grade of atypia was increased by gradually invasion. On the other hand, in NPG type, it had high frequency of high grade type, with no relation to depth of invasion. Thus, we concluded that the development of colorectal cancers is different between PG type and NPG type.