INTESTINE Vol.25 No.3(12)

Theme An up-to-date review of the molecular-targeted therapies for inflammatory bowel disease
Title Pregnancy and medications in inflammatory bowel disease
Publish Date 2021/09
Author Chikako Watanabe International University of Medication and Welfare, Mita Hospital
[ Summary ] Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) frequently affects women of childbearing age. Most medications used to treat IBD can be continued safely during pregnancy and lactation. However, more research is needed on the use of ustekinumab, vedolizumab, and tofacitinib during pregnancy. The greatest risk to pregnancy is active disease, which can occur by discontinuation of effective maintenance medications. Preconception counseling should include education regarding the low risk of most IBD medications during pregnancy and lactation and the high risk of a significant disease flare-up during pregnancy.