INTESTINE Vol.19 No.2(2-3-4)

Theme Intestinal inflammation in small bowel
Title Small bowel radiation enteritis
Publish Date 2015/03
Author Manabu Nagayama Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical University
Author Tomonori Yano Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical University
[ Summary ] Small bowel radiation enteritis is described as inflammation and damage to the intestinal mucosa caused by radiation treatment for malignant diseases. It is classified as being acute or chronic. Acute radiation enteritis manifests with diarrhea and bloody stools. It resolves soon after termination of radiation therapy. Chronic radiation enteritis is caused by obstruction of small vessels and mesenchymal fibrosis, which manifests not only with diarrhea and bleeding but also malnutrition and ileus, due to intestinal stenosis. These conditions are often refractory to medical therapy. Contrast-enhansed computed tomography reveals wall thickening, stenosis and distension on the oral side. Balloon-assisted endoscopy reveals telangiectasia, reddening and swelling of the villi, as well as erosion and ulceration. In addition, balloon-assisted endoscopy enables us to evaluate intestinal stenosis and hemostasis by argon plasma coagulation.