INTESTINE Vol.15 No.6(4)

Theme Exploring problems of "villous tumor"
Title Genetic study of colorectal villous tumors
Publish Date 2011/11
Author Keiji Takahashi Matsushima Clinic Coloproctology Center
[ Summary ] The present study describes the incidence and variety of K-ras mutations in individual independent histological components comprising epithelial neoplastic lesions of the large intestine of less than 10 mm in diameter. The results indicated it was extremely rare for small lesions to be entirely composed of villous components obtained from any group of lesions exhibiting the highest incidence of K-ras mutation. It was also found that tubular components generally indicated a lower incidence. However, the number of those obtained from groups having areas of villous components was high. Accordingly, K-ras mutation may advance phenoconversion from a tubular to a villous configuration in colorectal epithelial neoplastic lesions.