INTESTINE Vol.1 No.1(3)

Theme How to Detect IIc Lesion
Title Total colonoscopy for detection of depressed type colorectal neoplasms
Publish Date 1997/01
Author Sumio Tsuda Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
[ Summary ] For detection of depressed type colorectal neoplasms, the following are required ; (1) good preparation, (2) high quality video endoscope system, (3) technique for scrutinizing the entire colon and rectum, and (4) good recognition of various findings suggestive of neoplasm and of the diagnostic procedure.
Since most depressed type neoplasms are less than 10mm in diameter, the clues to detection are faint mucosal changes, characterized by (1) reddening of the mucosa, (2) localized disappearance or disruption of vascular network patterns, (3) coarse mucosal patterns, and (4) faint mucosal elevation. Dye-spraying (indigocarmine) is indispensable for morphological diagnosis.