Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.34 No.2(5-2)

Theme The Current Status of Management of Gallbladder Cancer
Title Is There the Early Gallbladder Cancer?
Publish Date 2019/02
Author Shin Ishihara Department of Community Medicine, Fujita Health University
Author Masahiro Ito Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University
Author Yukio Asano Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University
Author Akihiko Horiguchi Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University
[ Summary ] Defining early gallbladder cancer is very difficult. Because the definition of "early" depends on individual criteria. We define T1 in its contiguous extent as a form of early gallbladder cancer. According to results from gallbladder cancer registration in Japan, 5-year survival rates for T1a were 92.5 %. Those from T1b were 87.2 %. In T1 cases without lymph node metastasis, 5-year survival rates for stageā…  patients were 91.1 %. For cases with regional lymph node metastasis the rate was 28.5 %. Including cases with lymph node metastasis into the category of early stage requires further investigation. There is a consensus on the value of simple cholecystectomy for T1a gallbladder cancer. Concerning T1b gallbladder cancer, no consensus has been reached on the extent of resection or lymph node dissection. For laparoscopic cholecystectomy, findings of large-scale studies are anticipated. Definition of early stage conditions requires discussion between experts.