Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.33 No.6(3-3)

Theme The New Guideline for Liver Cancer Treatment
Title Transarterial (Chemo) Embolization
Publish Date 2018/06
Author Takeyuki Watadani Department of Radiology, The University of Tokyo Hospital
[ Summary ] In the 2017 update of the Japanese clinical practice guidelines for hepatocellular carcinoma, two CQs related to the definition of combination therapy with molecular targeted therapeutic agent and that related to TACE refractory cases were added as the CQ related to transarterial embolization in addition to the conventional four CQs. The former is accompanied by the rapid development of molecular targeted therapeutic drugs, and the latter is due to an increase in choices of embolic agents and anticancer drugs usable for TACE and TACE refractory cases, with a view to shifting to molecular target therapy. Moreover, as a new topic on TACE namely, TACE with drug-eluting beads has been included in the recommendation with the same priority as TACE with conventional LipiodolR and gelatin particles.