Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.33 No.4(5-1)

Theme Chronic Constipation : A New Classification, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment
Title Treatment -- Quality of Life Improvement
Publish Date 2018/04
Author Takeo Odaka Odaka Medical and Gastrointestinal Clinic
[ Summary ] First, we should try to improve the quality of life (QOL) during treatment of chronic constipation. It is possible to implement QOL improvement methods immediately, and these methods are chosen by the patient ; so, QOL improvement can be achieved without side effects. Acceleration of defecation may be induced by the appropriate intake of water and dietary fiber and promoting the growth of enterobacterial flora. Regular living rhythm, adequate sleep, and the defecation effort appropriately adjust the automatic nerves system and defecation reflex. Colonic motility is activated by rationalization of exercise. While never at the forefront of chronic constipation treatment, QOL improvement plays an important role in the overall treatment process, which then becomes the foundation for constipation treatment.