Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.32 No.13(2)

Theme Magnifying Endoscopic Diagnosis of Gastro‒intestinal Carcinomas
Title Magnified Endoscopic Classification for Superficial Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Publish Date 2017/12
Author Akiyoshi Ishiyama Division of Gastroenterological Internal Medicine, Cancer Institute Hospital
[ Summary ] The Japan Esophageal Society classification system was published in 2012. It is a simple magnified endoscopic classification for superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma created based on Inoue's and Arima's classification. The condition is divided into two categories (Type A and Type B) and patient diagnosis is based on the depth of microvascular tumor invasion (intra‒epithelial papillary loops ; IPCLs). Type A includes carcinoma in situ lesions and inflammatory change and Type B consists of squamous cell carcinoma lesions. This classification system has recently encountered issues with respect to accurate determination of invasion depth, in particular for Type B2.