Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.32 No.13(12)

Theme Magnifying Endoscopic Diagnosis of Gastro‒intestinal Carcinomas
Title Magnifying Endoscopic Diagnosis for Colitic Cancer and Dysplasia
Publish Date 2017/12
Author Nobuyuki Hida Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] The usefulness of magnifying endoscopic observation for the surveillance of ulcerative colitis (UC)‒associated cancer and dysplasia has been reported. Most cases of UC‒associated neoplasias show a tumor‒like pit pattern, such as a type III, IV, or V. However, in patients with UC, chronic colonic inflammation and regenerative changes can cause modification of the mucosal pit pattern, which is difficult to distinguish from neoplastic pit patterns. Current pit pattern diagnostics, which characterize sporadic tumors in patients with non‒inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), may not be applicable in UC because of the unique histopathological features of UC‒related neoplasias. In terms of the differentiation between colitic cancer and dysplasia, the distinction between UC‒related dysplasia and sporadic adenomas, the diagnosis of tumor demarcation, and the depth of invasion of colitic cancer, the effectiveness of magnifying endoscopic observation has not been demonstrated.