Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.31 No.8(3)

Theme Up-to-date Managements for Malignant Gastrointestinal Stenosis
Title Palliative Surgery for Malignant Gastrointestinal Stenosis
Publish Date 2016/07
Author Manato Negishi Japan Community Health Care Organization Tokyo shinjuku Medical Center
Author Tadahiko Masaki Department of Surgery, Kyorin University Hospital
[ Summary ] Malignant gastrointestinal stenosis leads to worsening of the patient's quality of life due to disturbed absorption of nutrition. The developing tumor will eventually cause bowel obstruction. It may also cause further aggravations such as aspiration pneumonia. These conditions make the patient's quality of life much worse. Chemo‒ or radiation therapies may be the treatment of choice for these conditions. However, these treatments are often time consuming, and there is no guarantee that they will be effective. On the other hand, stent insertion or surgical intervention allows patients to resume oral intake earlier.
Under these difficult conditions, the optimal treatment should be chosen by the multidisciplinary team consultation.
In this chapter, the palliative surgery for malignant gastrointestinal stenosis will be addressed.