Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.30 No.4(1)

Theme Digestive Diseases of the Aged Over 85 -- the Characteristics and Therapeutic Points
Title "Old" and "Oldest‒old" : Definitions and Demographic Changes
Publish Date 2015/04
Author Yukari Yokoyama Faculty of Social Welfare, Department of Social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University
[ Summary ] According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, individuals who are at least 65 years of age are considered "old". As of September 15, 2014, the "old" population in Japan was 32,960,000, accounting for 25.9 % of the overall population. This definition is not generally accepted as valid, and some individuals believe that people aged 65 years should not be included in the "old" group. At present, the age definition of the "old" group is under review, and people aged ≥85 years are often included in the "oldest‒old" group. More evidence is needed for the "old" and "oldest‒old" groups.