Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.29 No.6(5-2)

Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Barrett's Esophagus : up-to-date
Title Magnifying Endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasonography for Diagnosis of Barrett's Esophageal Cancer
Publish Date 2014/06
Author Miwako Arima Department of Gastroenterology, Saitama Cancer Center
Author Mika Tsunomiya Department of Gastroenterology, Saitama Cancer Center
Author Tadashi Fukuda Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Saitama Cancer Center
Author Youichi Tanaka Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Saitama Cancer Center
Author Yoshiyuki Kawashima Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Saitama Cancer Center
[ Summary ] Diagnosis of superficial Barrett's esophageal cancer with magnifying endoscopy and EUS are reported. Forms of image enhanced magnifying endoscopy, such as NBI, are necessary for the observation of mucosal surface patterns and microvascular patterns. They are also useful for diagnosing Barrett's esophageal cancer and lateral extension. However, the ability to diagnose atypical glands extending beneath the squamous epithelium or cancers with mild atypia is limited. High-frequency miniature ultrasonic probes reveal a poorly demarcated wall structure due to fibrosis in the muscularis mucosae and submucosal layer. It is difficult to precisely differentiate between T1a and T1b-SM1. Linear-type EUS is of limited value for the assessment of mucosal cancers remaining within the glandular epithelium. However, it may be used to accurately estimate the depth of invasion of submucosal tumors.