Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.28 No.2(3-3)

Theme Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders Using Traditional Japanese Herbal Medicine : Present Status and Future Prospects
Title Constipation / IBS
Publish Date 2013/02
Author Akira Horiuchi Showa Inan General Hospital Digestive Disease Center
[ Summary ] Functional constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which are representative of functional defecation disorders, may be diagnosed on the basis of current symptom-based Rome III criteria using the Bristol Stool Scale. The traditional Japanese medicine, Daikenchuto (TJ-100) is effective for patients with functional constipation or constipation predominant IBS who have marked bloating and perceived hypothermia. If the resulting effects on defecation are insufficient, the addition of magnesium oxide and / or sodium picosulfate to TJ-100 may prove useful. For some patients with constipation, TJ-100 alone may not only increase stool frequency but also alleviate bloating and abdominal pain. For IBS patients, probiotics and polycarbophil calcium may be tried first and if the effects are insufficient, Keishikashakuyakuto may be used.