Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.28 No.12(3)

Theme Obesity Related Digestive Diseases
Title Association between Adiposity, Hiatal Hernias and Reflux Esophagitis
Publish Date 2013/11
Author Makoto Yamawaki Department of Digestive Organ, Municipal Yokkaichi Hospital
Author Nobuyuki Matsuhashi Department of Gastroenterology, Kanto Medical Center NTT
[ Summary ] With the westernization of eating habits, leading to abdominal obesity, reflux esophagitis (RE), Barrettʼs esophagus (BE), and hiatal hernias (HH) are steadily increasing in Japan. Abdominal obesity causes a rise in intra-abdominal pressure via accumulation of abdominal visceral adiposity, and can cause gastro-esophageal reflux. In young Japanese males, the prevalence of RE is high in overweight subjects. Increases in body weight along with decreases in H. pyroli infection rates may cause further increase in gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) in the near future. Non-erosive reflux disease, RE, and BE are associated with acid reflux, but the detailed pathophysiology of these conditions differs. Obesity, life style factors, and various medications can aggravate GERD. Antacid medications, including proton pump inhibitors, are effective in many cases of GERD. However, lifestyle modifications may further improve outcomes.