Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.27 No.9(7)

Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Scirrhous Gastric Cancer -- Current Status and Future Prospects
Title Scirrhous Stomach Cancer Long-term Survival Cases
Publish Date 2012/08
Author Keiichiro Ohta Shonan Kamakura General Hospital
Author Toshifusa Nakajima The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR
Author Toshiharu Yamaguchi The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR
Author Takeshi Sano The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR
[ Summary ] The scirrhous stomach cancer long-term survival cases had smaller size tumor and serosal invasion, lower grade lymph node involevement than short-term recurrent cases. When scirrhous stomach cancer is detected slightly early, if there is low possibility of the peritoneal recurrence and if radical excision is technically feasible, both the distant lymph node metastasis and peritoneal dissemination should be extirpated not to mention the removal of adjacent organ with direct invasion is desirable. In summary, the development of new chemotherapy regimen and molecular targeted drugs is necessary.