Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.27 No.11(1)

Theme The Forefront of Hepatitis C Treatment
Title Epidemiological Topics Concerning Hepatitis C in Japan
Publish Date 2012/10
Author Junko Tanaka Department of Epidemiology, Infectious Disease Control and Prevention, Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University
[ Summary ] Epidemiological studies concerning HCV derived from large research studies conducted after 2000 are examined. These studies were conducted by the Hepatitis Epidemiological Research Group (Chairman : J. Tanaka) with the support of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. According to the results obtained HCV carrier rates in the Japanese general population exhibit various features. The farther back we check to the birth of the group in 1922 (83 years as of 2005), the higher HCV carrier rates are. High HCV carrier rates were observed in the Kinki region and further west. There was a high HCV carrier rate, especially in the peak age HCC onset group. Very low HCV carrier rates were observed in the generations born after 1986. An extremely low incidence rate of HCV infection was seen in the general population. A 102 fold greater risk of HCV infection was noted in medical institutions which provided frequent invasive treatment, as well as in the high risk infection group. In conclusion, there are two urgent countermeasures to combat HCV. One is to promote examinations for undetected HCV carriers who are estimated to number 808,000. The other is to take measures to detect HCV carriers who are not receiving treatment, giving them detailed examinations and providing them with appropriate therapy.