Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.26 No.8(6)

Theme Various Subjects of Long-term Following Patients with Ulcerative Colitis
Title Potential Predictors for Relapse of Ulcerative Colitis
Publish Date 2011/07
Author Satoko Ohfuji Department of Public Health, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Wakaba Fukushima Department of Public Health, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Yoshio Hirota Department of Public Health, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease with unknown etiology, which follows courses of remission and relapse. Previous reports have indicated that the risk of relapse was about 30-50 % at one year and about 60-70 % at 5 years after diagnosis. However, the risk was interpreted in various ways according to the study, since the relapse could be affected by several factors including disease status at the time of diagnosis.
The potential predictors for risk of relapse were younger age, disease expansion and disease severity at the time of diagnosis. Regarding other factors including life style, however, there was limited evidence concerning association with relapse. In addition, factors which are strongly related to onset of UC (i. e., smoking, appendectomies and family history) are not always associated with relapse.
Life style factors, such as smoking and diet, may be less important than prior disease activity in determining the risk of relapse but clinically much more important because the factors are potentially modifiable. Further studies are needed to explore potential risk factors for relapse including life style, which may be useful to improve disease course and to achieve increases in cumulative rates of remission.