Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.26 No.13(2-1)

Theme Hilar and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Title Diagnosis of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma with US, CE-US, EUS, IDUS
Publish Date 2011/12
Author Takayoshi Tsuchiya Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Medical University
Author Takao Itoi Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Medical University
Author Atsushi Sofuni Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Medical University
Author Fumihide Itokawa Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Medical University
Author Toshio Kurihara Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Medical University
Author Fuminori Moriyasu Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Medical University
[ Summary ] There are differences in the modes of extension for cholangiocarcinomas. The papillary type and the nodular expansive type primarily exhibit superficial expanding associated with mucosal cancer. In contrast, the nodular infiltrative type and the diffusely infiltrative type exhibit the charactistics of intramural expanding invasive cancer. Therefore, diagnosing the form of extension is very important to determine the type of curative surgery and other treatments. Because obstructive jaundice is often observed with cholangiocarcinomas in the hepatic portal region, bile duct drainage is usually necessary. In relation to the range of diagnosis of expanding cancer, diagnostic imaging, including ultrasound, shoud be performed before bile duct drainage to achieve an accurate diagnosis.