Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.26 No.12(4-2)

Theme Reappraisal of Colorectal Protruded and Flat Lesions Which are Encountered During Endoscopy
Title Mucosal Prolapse Syndrome
Publish Date 2011/11
Author Taiji Akamatsu Endoscopy Center, Nagano Prefectural Hospital Organization
Author Kazuhisa Shimodaira Internal Medicine, Suzaka Hospital, Nagano Prefectural Hospital Organization
[ Summary ] Mucosal prolapse syndrome (MPS) is thought to occur due to chronic mechanical stimulation due to prolapse of the intestine. MPS is observed not only on the anterior wall of the rectum below the peritoneal reflection, but also on the sigmoid colon with multiple diverticles, at sites of the stoma for colostomies, and at sites of anastomoses after colectomies. Patients with rectal MPS usually exhibit abnormal evacuation habits such as straining during defecation, and have polypoid lesions and/or ulcerations on the anterior wall of the lower rectum. Endoscopic findings of rectal MPS can be divided into three types;polypoid type, ulcerative type, and mixed type. Polypoid type rectal MPS should be distinguished from cap polyposis. On the other hand, ulcerative type rectal MPS is different from rectal ulcerations due to radiation, acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer, and rectal cancer. Characteristic histological findings may indicate fibromusculosis. Avoidance of straining during defecation is important for rectal MPS treatment.