Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.25 No.11(2-1-2)

Theme Acute Liver Injury : Drug-induced and Viral Liver Injuries
Title Drug-induced Liver Injury in Japan
Publish Date 2010/10
Author Norio Horiike Department of Internal Medicine, Saiseikai Imabari Daini Hospital
Author Yousuke Murata Department of Internal Medicine, Shusou Hospital
Author Morikazu Onji Department of Gastroenterology and Metabology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] We analysed 1,676 cases of drug induced liver injury (DILI) over the past 10 years at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Hepatology. Average patient age was 55 years. The distribution of diagnostic scores for DDW-Japan 2004 indicated that 88 % of subjects had over five score points and were diagnosed as being highly probable. Duration from the start of medication to the onset of liver injury suggested that 80 % of DILI cases occurred within 90 days. The most common causal drugs related to DILI were antibiotics and anti-inflamatories. However, the incidence of complications from dietary supplements and Chinese herbal drugs markedly increased compared to previous reports. The types of liver injury were as follows ; 59 % hepatocellular, 21 % cholestatic and 19 % mixed. The number of cases due to allergies decreased. Ongoing cases were due to various drugs, and had higher rates of association with other diseases, as well as a longer duration of medication and lower diagnostic scores.