Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.24 No.11(3-2)

Theme Clinical Problems after Gastrectomy
Title Surveillance of Postgastrectomy Remnant Stomachs
Publish Date 2009/10
Author Kuniyoshi Arai Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital
Author Satoru Inoue Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital
[ Summary ] We described surveillance modalities for post gastrecto my surveillance of gastric remnant cancer (GRC). The incidence of GRC is reported to be 1.8-2.7% of the gastric cancers operated on and to be 1.0-2.1% of all the follow-up patients after gastrectomy for gastric cancer. The incidence of GRC after gastrectomy for gastric cancer has gradually increased. There have also been improvements in the prognosis for gastric cancer after gastrectomies, as well as increases in the number of early gastric cancer cases. Endoscopy is mandatory for the diagnosis of GRC, employing dyeing techniques and biopsies. Because jejunal invasion is related to lymph node metastases in the jejunal mesentery, endoscopical observation of the jejunal side of the anastomotic ring is essential. To detect GRC earlier, follow-up examinations are recommended annually and should be continued whenever possible after gastrectomies for gastric cancer. For patients gastrectomized for peptic ulcers, we recommend surveillance once in the five year period after gastrectomy, and annually for ten years after gastrectomy.