Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.23 No.3(4)

Theme Gastric Cancer Screening -- Present Status and Uprising High-risk Strategy
Title Gastric Cancer Screening in Relation to Mortality Reduction
Publish Date 2008/03
Author Chisato Hamashima National Cancer Center, Research Center for Cancer Prevention and Screening, Cancer Screening Technology Division, Cancer Screening Research Section
[ Summary ] In previous guidelines, photofluorography has been recommended for gastric cancer screening. Guidelines for Cancer Screening, concerning the efficacies of various methods for gastric cancer screening were evaluated. These guidelines were developed based on the standardized method. Four methods for gastric cancer screening were evaluated ; photofluorography, endoscopy, the serum pepsinogen test and Helicobacter pylori antibody testing. Based on the balance of benefits (mortality reduction from gastric cancer) and harm done by screening, the recommendations for population-based and opportunistic screening were formulated. Gastric cancer screening, using photofluorography, was recommended for both screening programs. The other methods were not recommended for population-based screening due to insufficient evidence. Concerning opportunistic screening. If individuals request screening, they should be given appropriate information, and decisions should be made by individuals.