Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.23 No.3(1)

Theme Gastric Cancer Screening -- Present Status and Uprising High-risk Strategy
Title History and Future of Screening of Stomach Cancer in Japan
Publish Date 2008/03
Author Ariyoshi Iwasaki Gastroenterology and Hepatology Division, Surugadai Nihon University Hospital
[ Summary ] A gastric mass survey was initiated in 1953. Since that time, the number of mass screenings for regional populations, occupational populations, out-patient populations, as well as the number of personal health checks has increased. The number of those examined with mass screenings for stomach cancer has also increased every year. Evaluation of mass screening programs, using upper gastrointestinal x-ray examinations have produced an estimated reduction in stomach cancer mortality rates in 2001. Since that time, reexamination of standardized indirect radiographic methods, improvements in photofluorographic apparatus and systems have been implemented. Studies have also been made of the accuracy of mass surveys during symposiums and panel discussions. At this time, we must further examine the sensitivity and specificity of gastric mass screening for gastric cancer, using measurements of serum pepsinogen concentrations and serum anti-H. pylori antibodies.